This week for RMCAD we are tasked with building a video about our brand. I feel like I pretty did this on my YouTube intro video, but I didn’t include any b-roll footage about camera gear and or editing…I think that side of who are, is just as important as the fishing…without the video side of it, it’s just Hook Set and no photography. hmmm lots to think about.
The timing is perfect for a new video though. Today, fingers crossed a new member of the team arrives…a shiny new FujiFilm X-H2S with all its video and photo glory possibilities. Not that my Nikon Z-30 is subpar for video, it’s just a lot less power packed for creating certain kinds of footage. A solid example here is the slow motion footage the HS2 can create at 120 frames per second at 4K which will be amazing for a lot of things.